Product Information

Property Tax Searches (State of Michigan)

·          Report prior year(s) tax delinquencies.

·          Report current year tax amounts and payment status.

·          Report on all special assessments that may be included in or outside the taxes.

·          Report State Equalized Value (SEV).

·          Report Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Status.

·          Cross reference address/tax ID/legal and name to insure an accurate order.

Life of Loan Reporting                     

Non-Escrow service

·          On-line ordering and cancellations.

·          Report on all tax delinquencies annually.

·          Cross reference tax ID/legal description and/or name.

·          Report Paid/Due status of county taxes.

Escrow Service

·          Identify tax authorities.

·          On-line ordering and deletions.

·          Submit all tax bills for timely payment.

·          Personalized reporting.